SAFTU congratulates NUMSA and SACCA stunning victory to save SAA workers jobs!

The South African Federation of Trade Unions – SAFTU, takes its hat off, and salute its biggest NUMSA and the fighting partner at SAA, SACCA, for scoring a historic victory that stopped the so-called Business Rescue Practitioners on their tracks!

Very few would have thought the two mighty unions stand any chance against the arrogant Goliath who was wielding an axe and slaughtering workers at SAA with impunity.  It was always irrational and illogical for the so-called Business Rescue Practitioners to rush retrenchments without first producing the rescue plan. This revealed their real intention, and we suspect the actual mandate, which is to collapse SAA and prepare it to be sold to the highest bidder.

The government largely stood aside and watched while these gentlemen systematically collapsed the SAA. That the Court told them to go back and bring back a rescue plan they were appointed to produce in the first place is an indictment on the government that failed to protect the most basic interests of its citizens.

SAFTU hope that workers will see the sweetheart unions for what they are! These were shedding crocodile tears while telling workers to accept their fate as if it was ordained from the super naturals. Shame on them for conniving with this privatisation officer instead of joining the fight to defend SAA and the worker’s jobs.

SAFTU calls on workers to join her affiliated unions and form part of the battle to defeat the cruel and heartless capitalist system, neoliberalism and austerity programme that if left unchallenged will leave South Africa in dire straits.

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